Table of Contents
Being a parent is a life changer. It gives you a whole different perspective on the obvious things around you. I noticed that while I was teaching my son about everyday things, I kept learning from him about coping with life. Not so strange considering these tiny humans are highly capable already, and are simply looking to us for clarity, direction and support. So what can we take from the realm of bringing up a baby that translates back to the corporate world?
1. Learning curve is a circle
Yes, that learning curve we all know of is actually a full circle, one that never ends. As a parent, the one most important thing I seize from my tiny one is that one should never stop learning. The last time I had all the answers, was before I had a baby! Since then every day has been a fresh challenge. Have learnt to look at all things negative from a positive lens – every situation is an experience, every mistake is a lesson, and every new problem is a breakthrough. There a million things I learn every single day from my 9-month old – whether it is to turn down the offer of porridge with the politest of smiles, or be determined enough to step into a dark room just by himself, or his faith in me when he loses balance while trying to stand. Goes onto show, one can squeeze through an uncomfortable situation with a smile, or not be afraid to explore the unexplored, or trust your teammates.
2. Try, try and keep trying
I see the tot trying to climb our couch again and again, followed by several falls and unsuccessful attempts. Yet, next morning he is again trying to climb with a renewed enthusiasm. Just makes me think, only if we adults did the same thing. No complaints, no pre-conceived notions, just giving things a try with utmost sincerity. And if I apply that logic to work, I keep looking at how there are instances, people and opportunities that I need to constantly keep trying different things with. Whether it’s building faith, creating a healthy work affiliation or adapting a new concept. If I fail at the first go, I’ve learnt to give it my second, third and more!
3. Things change, let’s just adapt
When we brought the newborn home, I was on a feed-clean-worry-repeat mode for days. Then things started settling. I noticed a steadier pattern that I could follow closely, only to gather no pattern survived for more than a few days. I remember rocking him to sleep in a few minutes by singing a lullaby for 2 days straight. I felt as if I struck gold…until of course I hadn’t. Third day, the same technique just didn’t work. Things change all the time so, as a professional, I realise that I can’t be reliant on what I did frequently to solve complex challenges that my work requires. While I start out by doing what always works, if I see that it isn’t working, am always equipped to bring in that required change.
4. Details are important
Being from an art background, having an eye for detail was a given. But in the run of things, and living a programmed lifestyle sometimes makes us disremember our abilities. Only till you are a parent, of course! Because kids, like they say, will take you back to your childhood. Every time, I bring him a new toy, he will cross his brows and study it from all angles, he will see where the light exactly comes from or how the wheels are moving or take it to his ears to hear it closely. It’s a delight to see him observe the minutest things with such eagerness. I almost relearnt to pay closer attention to the little details at work. It honestly helps me get a better grip on challenges. Because the answer was feasibly right under my nose, but I was perhaps too busy looking at the peripheral picture.
5. Be your own leader
Like any first-time parent, I was overawed with the fact that I will be raising a small human into a healthy, responsible adult. There were so many decisions to be made constantly. Be it diapers, feedings, coaching or more. It was difficult to tell which parenting style works best? Or what techniques I need to imply? As time passed, as a parent, I realize I became my own leader – I could pull through sick days, tantrums, bleeding cuts and more with the same grit. Just like at work, I have learnt to make decisions and be sure of them. Who better a competitor than you for yourself? All my work goals and decisions were bettered when I gave myself the required push and inner strength. I realize when I have to think anyway, why not think bigger and better?
Even as I’m cuddling this delicious-smelling-tot trying to wriggle out of my arm right now, I hope life will be full of learnings for both him and me!