Elastic 8.14

Unlocking the Power of Elastic 8.14: Enhancing Search Capabilities and Transforming Your Data Strategy

Written by Ashnik Team

| Jun 18, 2024



1. Introduction

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain faster insights and improve their data strategies. Elastic 8.14 is here to revolutionize how you handle search and data analytics. Imagine reducing query latency by half and unlocking real-time insights with enhanced machine learning capabilities—this is the power of Elastic 8.14. This release promises to overcome typical business challenges and optimize operational processes.

In this blog, we will delve deep into the technicalities of these updates, exploring how they can revolutionize your approach to data analytics and search optimization.

2. What’s New in Elastic 8.14

Elastic 8.14 is packed with enhancements that deliver superior performance, scalability, and usability. From advanced machine learning capabilities to improved security features, this release meets the diverse needs of businesses looking to leverage the full potential of their data.
Key Updates at a Glance
– Enhanced Query Performance
– Advanced Machine Learning Features
– Improved Data Visualization and Dashboard Functionalities
– Optimized Resource Management and Scalability
– Robust Security and Compliance Features
– Seamless Cloud Integrations and Expanded API Capabilities

3. Enhanced Query Performance

Introduction to Query Performance Improvements
The latest version introduces several query optimizations aimed at improving both speed and accuracy. These enhancements are particularly beneficial for businesses dealing with large datasets, where efficient search performance is crucial.
Lucene 9.5 Integration: Elastic 8.14 leverages Lucene 9.5, offering significant improvements in indexing speed and query efficiency. The new Block-Max WAND algorithm, for example, can lead to dramatic performance gains for certain types of queries.

Technical Enhancements in Query Speed
Elastic 8.14 leverages optimized data structures and indexing strategies to reduce query latency. For example, the introduction of field-level cache and shard-level request merging minimizes redundant data fetches.

GET /my_index/_search
“query”: {
“bool”: {
“must”: [
{ “match”: { “title”: “Elasticsearch” } },
{ “range”: { “date”: { “gte”: “2022-01-01” } } }
“aggs”: {
“avg_price”: {
“avg”: {
“field”: “price”
In this query, Elastic 8.14 ensures that the `match` and `range` queries are optimized using segment-level awareness, reducing the time taken to execute complex searches.

Real-World Benefits and Use Cases
For instance, e-commerce platforms can now provide faster product searches, significantly enhancing the customer experience and potentially increasing sales. A platform handling millions of products can reduce search time from 200ms to 100ms, leading to a more responsive user interface.

4. Advanced Machine Learning Features

Enhanced Anomaly Detection
The enhanced anomaly detection capabilities allow for more precise identification of unusual patterns in data, enabling proactive issue resolution and threat detection.
The new release integrates PyTorch-based models, improving anomaly detection capabilities in Elasticsearch. This is particularly useful for identifying unusual patterns or outliers in time-series data.

PUT _ml/anomaly_detectors/transaction_detector
“description”: “Detect unusual transaction patterns”,
“analysis_config”: {
“bucket_span”: “15m”,
“detectors”: [
“function”: “high_mean”,
“field_name”: “transaction_amount”,
“by_field_name”: “merchant_id”
“data_description”: {
“time_field”: “timestamp”
In this configuration, an anomaly detector is set up to monitor transaction amounts by merchant ID, providing real-time alerts on suspicious activities.

Breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing
Additionally, the NLP improvements facilitate better understanding and processing of human language, making search interactions more intuitive and effective. Elastic 8.14 improves entity recognition and sentiment analysis in Elasticsearch. This enables more sophisticated search and analysis of unstructured text data.

POST /_analyze
“tokenizer”: “standard”,
“filter”: [“lowercase”, “stop”, “porter_stem”],
“text”: “Elastic 8.14 improves search capabilities dramatically.”
This example shows how Elastic 8.14 processes text, applying stemming and stop word filtering to enhance search relevance.

Practical Applications
These advancements are particularly beneficial for industries like finance, where detecting fraudulent activities in real-time can reduce losses and improve security. Enhanced NLP capabilities allow for more accurate sentiment analysis and customer feedback interpretation.

5. Improved Data Visualization and Dashboard Functionalities

Kibana Like Never Before
Kibana, the visualization tool within the Elastic Stack, has received several upgrades in this release. New visualization options provide users with more ways to represent their data, enhancing the ability to derive actionable insights.

“type”: “heatmap”,
“title”: “Transaction Heatmap”,
“params”: {
“colorSchema”: “Green to Red”,
“heatClusterSize”: “10×10”
“aggs”: {
“x-axis”: { “field”: “timestamp”, “interval”: “day” },
“y-axis”: { “field”: “transaction_amount”, “interval”: “100” }
This heatmap visualization helps in identifying transaction patterns over time, providing a clear view of high and low transaction periods.

Expanded Visualization Options: Kibana now includes new visualization types like the “Timeline” view, which is ideal for representing time-series data and event sequences.

Enhanced Dashboard Interactivity: Users can now drill down into specific data points directly from Kibana dashboards, making it easier to explore and investigate anomalies.

Dynamic Dashboards
Elastic 8.14 introduces improved dashboard features that offer real-time data visualization and interactivity. These enhancements make it easier for users to monitor and analyze data as it flows, providing immediate insights that are crucial for decision-making.

“title”: “Real-time Operations Dashboard”,
“panels”: [
“type”: “timeseries”,
“id”: “ops-metrics”,
“metrics”: [“cpu_usage”, “memory_usage”]
“type”: “map”,
“id”: “geo-distribution”,
“layers”: [
“type”: “heatmap”,
“field”: “location”
This dashboard setup provides a comprehensive view of operational metrics and geographic distribution, helping in real-time decision-making.

6. Optimized Resource Management and Scalability

Improved Cluster Management: 
The new release introduces more fine-grained control over shard allocation and rebalancing. This helps optimize resource utilization and maintain high cluster performance.
Example: A rapidly growing SaaS provider can easily scale their Elasticsearch cluster horizontally as their data volumes increase.

Maximizing Resource Efficiency
Resource management has been optimized in Elastic 8.14, ensuring that the stack uses system resources more efficiently. This optimization translates to lower operational costs and better overall performance.

PUT /_cluster/settings
“persistent”: {
“cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.attributes”: “rack_id”,
“indices.breaker.total.limit”: “70%”
By configuring these settings, Elastic 8.14 ensures balanced resource allocation across racks and prevents resource overutilization.

Effortless Scalability
Scalability is another area where Elastic 8.14 shines. The improved cluster management capabilities make it easier to scale Elasticsearch clusters seamlessly, whether you’re dealing with increasing data volumes or expanding your operations.

POST /_cluster/reroute
“commands”: [
“allocate_replica”: {
“index”: “my_index”,
“shard”: 1,
“node”: “node-2”
This command demonstrates how to dynamically allocate replica shards to new nodes, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.

7. Robust Security and Compliance Features

Bulletproof Security Features
Security enhancements in Elastic 8.14 include new authentication and authorization capabilities that provide more granular control over access to data.

Fine-Grained Access Control: Elastic 8.14 provides more granular role-based access control (RBAC) to Kibana spaces and objects, enhancing data security.
Enhanced Audit Logging: The release includes improvements to audit logging, making it easier to track user actions and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

PUT /_security/role/my_custom_role
“cluster”: [“manage”],
“indices”: [
“names”: [“my_index”],
“privileges”: [“read”, “write”]
“applications”: [
“application”: “kibana-.kibana”,
“privileges”: [“all”],
“resources”: [“*”]
This role configuration ensures that users with `my_custom_role` have the necessary privileges to manage the cluster and access specific indices and Kibana resources.

Staying Ahead with Compliance
Elastic 8.14 also brings updates that align with the latest compliance standards, making it easier for businesses to meet regulatory requirements. The streamlined audit processes ensure that organizations can quickly and accurately demonstrate compliance.

PUT /_cluster/settings
“persistent”: {
“xpack.security.audit.enabled”: “true”,
“xpack.security.audit.outputs”: [“index”, “logfile”]
Enabling and configuring audit logs ensures comprehensive tracking of user activities and system changes, crucial for compliance audits.

8. Seamless Cloud Integrations and Expanded API Capabilities

Seamless Cloud Integrations
The new release includes updates for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) integrations, ensuring that users can leverage the full power of Elastic Stack in their preferred cloud environment.
Streamlined Cloud Deployments: Elastic 8.14 simplifies deployment and management on popular cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP.
Expanded API Capabilities: The release introduces new API endpoints and expands existing ones, providing developers with greater flexibility to integrate with and customize Elastic Stack.

Example: AWS Integration:
PUT /_snapshot/my_s3_repository
“type”: “s3”,
“settings”: {
“bucket”: “my-s3-bucket”,
“region”: “us-west-2”
This example demonstrates how to configure an S3 repository for snapshot and restore operations, ensuring data resilience in the cloud.

Powerful API Enhancements
Elastic 8.14 introduces several improvements to its API functionalities, making it easier for developers to build and integrate custom solutions.

POST /_scripts/my_script
“script”: {
“lang”: “painless”,
“source”: “ctx._source.field += params.count”,
“params”: {
“count”: 1
This API enhancement allows for more efficient script execution and integration with custom applications.

9. Smooth Upgrade Path

Upgrading to Elastic 8.14 involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition. Upgrading to Elastic 8.14 requires careful planning and execution. It’s essential to follow Elastic’s official upgrade guide, backup your data, and test the upgrade in a non-production environment first. The Ashnik team has extensive experience in managing and upgrading Elasticsearch clusters and can provide valuable assistance throughout the process.

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