Table of Contents
Today, we’re excited to announce that Docker Store and Docker Cloud are now part of Docker Hub, providing a single experience for finding, storing and sharing container images. This means that:
- Docker Certified and Verified Publisher Images are now available for discovery and download on Docker Hub
- Docker Hub has a new user experience
Millions of individual users and more than a hundred thousand organizations use Docker Hub, Store and Cloud for their container content needs. We’ve designed this Docker Hub update to bring together the features that users of each product know and love the most, while addressing known Docker Hub requests around ease of use, repository and team management.
Here’s what’s new:
- View recently pushed tags and automated builds on your repository page
- Pagination added to repository tags
- Improved repository filtering when logged in on the Docker Hub home page
Organizations and Teams
- As an organization Owner, see team permissions across all of your repositories at a glance.
- Add existing Docker Hub users to a team via their email (if you don’t remember their of Docker ID)
New Automated Builds
- Speed up builds using Build Caching
- Add environment variables and run tests in your builds
- Add automated builds to existing repositories
Note: For Organizations, GitHub & BitBucket account credentials will need to be re-linked to your organization to leverage the new automated builds. Existing Automated Builds will be migrated to this new system over the next few months. Learn more
Improved Container Image Search
- Filter by Official, Verified Publisher and Certified images, guaranteeing a level of quality in the Docker images listed by your search query
- Filter by categories to quickly drill down to the type of image you’re looking for
Existing URLs will continue to work, and you’ll automatically be redirected where appropriate. No need to update any bookmarks.
Verified Publisher Images and Plugins
Verified Publisher Images are now available on Docker Hub. Similar to Official Images, these images have been vetted by Docker. While Docker maintains the Official Images library, Verified Publisher and Certified Images are provided by our third-party software vendors. Interested vendors can sign up at https://goto.docker.com/Partner-Program-Technology.html.
Certified Images and Plugins
Certified Images are also now available on Docker Hub. Certified Images are a special category of Verified Publisher images that pass additional Docker quality, best practice, and support requirements.
- Tested and supported on Docker Enterprise platform by verified publishers
- Adhere to Docker’s container best practices
- Pass a functional API test suite
- Complete a vulnerability scanning assessment
- Provided by partners with a collaborative support relationship
- Display a unique quality mark “Docker Certified”
Let us know what you think
We’ll be rolling out the new Docker Hub to users over time at https://hub.docker.com.
Have feedback on these updates? We’d love to hear from you. Let us know in this short survey.
[bctt tweet=”Introducing the New #Docker Hub: Combining the best of Docker Hub and Store with a fresh new UI” username=”Ashnikbiz”]