Data Pipeline and Analytics
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| Jul 18, 2017

2 min read

Build and deploy hybrid applications in Azure using Docker enterprise edition

Is your organization asking you to modernize a traditional app that uses old code to make it simpler to deploy and more scalable based on customer demand – what to do?
Scott Johnston, COO and Michael Friis, Product Manager at Docker will highlight two use cases that demonstrate how Docker and Microsoft are working together to help developers and IT-Pros build and deploy hybrid apps using Docker Enterprise Edition that span on-premises and Azure. Scott and Michael will also show how to use Docker to build microservices-based solutions on Azure and create agile software delivery pipelines in the cloud.
Scott Johnston’s session will cover the first use case: “Modernize Traditional Applications (MTA)” – a program that enables IT organizations to modernize legacy applications, transforming them in hybrid cloud deployments while simultaneously realizing substantial savings in their total cost of ownership (TCO). In partnership with companies such as Avanade and Microsoft, Docker is helping organizations containerize existing .NET Windows or Java Linux applications without modifying source code or re-architecting the applications. The applications can then be easily deployed to Azure in minutes.
This, addresses two major realities that IT organizations face: Existing applications consume 80% of most IT budgets, and IT organizations have to deliver on cloud migration initiatives. The heart of the program is methodology and tooling designed to make it easy for DevOps to deploy and manage newly-containerized applications onto hybrid cloud infrastructure. Put simply, Docker’s MTA program can help enterprise IT move forward on the path to digital transformation.
Michael Friis, will demo Image2Docker where you start with an VM image of an legacy Linux-based app and you run Image2Docker to extract Docker artifacts. You can then build and deploy the migrated application to Azure with Docker Enterprise Edition.
The second use case will demo how a developer can build a new Java Linux app on their laptop and deploy it to Azure using Docker Cloud and Docker Community Edition (CE) for Azure Container Service (ACS). The demo will start from running Docker CE with Swarm mode on Azure, registering Swarm with Docker Cloud, accessing Swarm with Docker ID and building, deploying a Java/Linux application.
Finally, watch Mark West, Senior Architect at MS IT sharing the success story of how the MS IT organization migrated 10 applications from two different business units into Docker containers running on the same host using Docker Enterprise Edition to Azure. All of this was possible with just a few Docker commands and didn’t require significant IT investments and approvals.

– Dee Kumar, Director of Product Marketing at Docker

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