which PostgreSQL is right for you

Written by EDB Postgres

| May 20, 2021

6 min read

Cloud Native PostgreSQL for Application Developers

Cloud Native PostgreSQL (CNP) is a Kubernetes operator, designed by EDB to deploy and manage your PostgreSQL clusters in production environments. This does not mean that it is only useful as a production tool; it is also handy while developing applications.

Although Cloud Native PostgreSQL is primarily designed to work with containerized applications that run in the same Kubernetes cluster and that rely on a PostgreSQL database as their backend, you can also use it with applications that are not in a container.

In this blog post, we’ll show the use case of any application developer that wants to easily develop, debug and test their software against a PostgreSQL database on their local machine before hitting the staging environment.

Think, for example, about testing some applications whose database workload is split between OLTP and OLAP: you want your OLTP traffic to be executed against the cluster primary server and to offload your OLAP traffic on replicas. In such a case, it is far easier to deploy a PostgreSQL cluster using CNP than setting up a PostgreSQL cluster.

In this post, you will learn how to:

  • Set up a Kubernetes sandbox cluster on your local development environment using Kind
  • Install the Cloud Native PostgreSQL operator in your sandbox Kubernetes cluster
  • Deploy a PostgreSQL cluster in your sandbox cluster
  • Connect your application to the PostgreSQL cluster using services and secrets
  • Use the “port-forward” command in kubectl to expose the service outside the sandbox cluster for development purposes

How to create a Kubernetes sandbox cluster with kind

Note: This section is about installing a sandbox Kubernetes cluster on your local machine with Kind. Feel free to skip it if you have already done it.

First of all, if you have not already configured it in your development environment, you will need a Docker installation. The Install Docker Engine page on the official Docker engine website contains installation instructions for many platforms.

To test if your Docker installation works fine you can use the hello-world image like in the following example:

$ docker run –rm hello-world

This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

This means that your Docker engine is working correctly! Now it’s time to install Kind.

Kind, standing for “Kubernetes IN Docker”, is a great tool to create a Kubernetes cluster in your local environment. The good thing about it is that, despite being lightweight, Kind is using the same executables as a real production one. This installation is still a CNCF-conformant Kubernetes and it is a way to implement infrastructure abstraction in your development process – which is an important DevOps capability

You can install “kind” using your preferred package manager or by downloading it from the Releases page in the project’s Github repository. It is important to remember to put the kind executable in a directory included in the PATH environment variable, as this will make invoking it easier. The Quick Start page in the Kind documentation has detailed instructions about that.

To test if Kind is installed and working properly you can run the following command:

$ kind –version

kind version 0.10.0

And now we are ready to create our first Kubernetes cluster! We do this with the following command:

$ kind create cluster

Creating cluster “kind” …

And in just one minute we have our Kubernetes cluster ready for our tests:

$ kubectl get nodes

kind-control-plane Ready control-plane,master 62s v1.20.2

Installing Cloud Native PostgreSQL operator

You can install Cloud Native PostgreSQL like any other applications in Kubernetes: using a manifest file. You can install the latest released version of CNP (1.1.0 at the time of writing this article) by running:

$ kubectl apply -f


namespace/postgresql-operator-system created

You can check if everything is working by looking at the status of the pods in the postgresql-operator-system namespace:

$ kubectl get pods -n postgresql-operator-system

postgresql-operator-controller-manager-5b9c5d8dbd-jnln6 1/1 Running 0 99s

The pod is running and everything is ready. You can find more information about installing Cloud Native PostgreSQL on the Installation page of the documentation website.

Deploying a minimal PostgreSQL cluster

While Cloud Native PostgreSQL is closed-source software, you are still granted an implicit evaluation license that lasts for 30 days. This does not mean that after 30 days your data is lost! It only means that after 30 days the operator will stop reconciling your cluster specification with the status: every self-healing feature and every configuration change will not work.
This can be enough to quickly test a PostgreSQL cluster while it is not certainly enough for your production environment. More information about production plans and subscriptions can be found on the License Keys page in the documentation.

Enough with talking, we can start deploying a cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f


cluster.postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io/cluster-example created

The cluster definition referenced from the previous command is really simple:

apiVersion: postgresql.k8s.enterprisedb.io/v1

kind: Cluster


name: cluster-example


instances: 3


size: 1Gi

All we require is a cluster with 3 replicas, each with 1 gigabyte of space. Obviously, the Cluster CRD is more complex than this, and the defaulting webhook will complete the specification for us.

When everything will be ready you will find one Pod per instance (the operation will take a minute or so). Just like this:

$ kubectl get pods

cluster-example-1 1/1 Running 0 2m51s
cluster-example-2 1/1 Running 0 2m30s
cluster-example-3 1/1 Running 0 2m11s


In a traditional VM/physical environment, when accessing a PostgreSQL database from an application you normally need an IP address or a host name. Kubernetes abstracts this and provides a kind of object for clients to connect to a given service. Surprise, surprise … that resource in Kubernetes is called “Service”. Cloud Native PostgreSQL automatically provides and 4 services for each cluster:

$ kubectl get services -o name





If you need to work with the primary server, you can just use the cluster-example-rw service, which will handle read&write traffic.
Instead, if you only need to read from the database you can just offload traffic to cluster-example-ro to use replicas or to cluster-example-r to use the replicas and the primary server too.

Kubernetes will take care to keep the services synchronized with the actual PostgreSQL cluster status, following unexpected events like failovers or planned ones such as switchovers or updates.

The following diagram shows what happens when an application uses the cluster-example-rw service. The application writes data to the cluster primary server, which replicates it to the secondary servers:

For read-only traffic, queries can be executed against any of the replicas. The following diagram shows what happens when an application uses the cluster-example-ro service:


Credentials (secrets)

What about your credentials? Just look into the generated secrets:

$ kubectl get secrets -o name







As an application, you usually will not need superuser privileges to access PostgreSQL. A new database named app owned by a user name “app“ has already been created for you, and you can access it using the credentials you will find in the cluster-example-app secret.

The next command will dump your credentials (randomly generated), encoded in base64:

$ kubectl get secret cluster-example-app -oyaml -o=jsonpath={.data}


A quick way to grab your password is:

$ kubectl get secret cluster-example-app -oyaml -o=jsonpath={.data.password}|base64 -d


When you deploy your application inside the same Kubernetes cluster, you will not need to do that, since you can directly use that secret inside the Deployment of the stateless application.

How to use it from your development environment

While it is certainly possible to just exec psql within your pods to access the actual PostgreSQL instance running inside, it is easier to map the 5432 port corresponding to a certain service to a local port. You can do this via the following command:

$ kubectl port-forward service/cluster-example-rw 5454:5432 &

Forwarding from -> 5432

Forwarding from [::1]:5454 -> 5432

Now you can reach the PostgreSQL primary server (we used the cluster-example-rw service) using your local 5454 port. Just use the password you extracted before in the previous section:

$ psql -p 5454 -h -U app app

Password for user app: […]

app=> conninfo

SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, […])

app=> select pg_is_in_recovery();


(1 row)

It should not come unnoticed that by default SSL communication is enabled by CNP. Should you want to have your replicas available as a local port you can just run:

$ kubectl port-forward service/cluster-example-ro 5455:5432 &

And then use port 5455:

$ psql -p 5455 -h -U app app

Password for user app:

app=> select pg_is_in_recovery();


(1 row)

As you can see, the PostgreSQL instance is in continuous recovery mode, meaning it is a replica with Hot Standby.

The port forwarding technique works with remote clusters too, and it is surprisingly fast.

remote clusters


As you have seen, creating a sandbox Kubernetes environment with a PostgreSQL cluster is very easy, light and quick to set up. Most importantly, it is self-contained, meaning that it can be easily turned down at the end of your work with:

$ kind delete cluster

When used with PostgreSQL, the implicit 30 days usage license is suitable for local development and testing, including automated tests in CI/CD pipelines hosted in Jenkins, Gitlab or Jenkins, to name a few. This is an important step towards abstraction of infrastructure, which reduces variability between development, staging and production environments and increases velocity for your products and software.

In the upcoming blog post, we’ll talk about how to use the services created by CNP in our applications—stay tuned!