Containers Monitoring and Security Workshop Rocks India

3 min read

Containers, Monitoring and Security Workshop Rocks India!

After delivering successful workshops on containers, monitoring and security in Jakarta, Manila and Kuala Lumpur, Ashnik in partnership with Docker and Sysdig finally brought this much-awaited workshop to India. We kick-started the workshop in Mumbai on 4th December and in Bangalore on 18th December.
“Customers across Southeast Asia and India are at the crux of container adoptions and initiatives. We realized the need to bring them the right insights and technology solutions for them to start their container journey. After a successful run in Manila, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta, Ashnik introduced the sessions to Mumbai and Bangalore. Many top organizations from BFSI, Govt, IT Services attended; and sent us feedback on the in-depth discussions, actionable insights and one-to-one interactions they took away from this series. I’m happy that Ashnik’s open source solution skills, combined with Docker and Sysdig’s technology offerings helped deliver highly knowledgeable sessions to all organizations who attended”, says Deepti Dilip, Marketing Director & Communications at Ashnik.
The 3-hour workshop began with a brief but highly energetic opening address from Sandeep Khuperkar, Director and CTO, Ashnik. Prempal Singh, Docker Presales Consultant at Ashnik, later delivered an hour-long session on ‘integrating Docker Container in your existing ecosystem’. What we saw in between was an influx of intelligent questions which we usually try to avoid during the session to wrap things up on time. We know it’s precious to you. The questions soon turned into healthy dialogues and ironically, our specialists on ‘containers’ were not able to ‘contain’ themselves from a very enthusiastic and engaging audience. During the live demo on the integration of Docker EE components – UCP and DTR, the questions did not cease to exist. Giriraj Rajawat, Senior Solution Architect, Sysdig, who conducted this demo, enjoyed answering all sorts of queries.
We also introduced a new concept called ‘Ashnik Technology Clinic’. The idea was to give everyone a one-on-one chance to have their queries answered more comprehensively. Participants who registered for the Clinic sat down with our team of experts to gain valuable insights on the issues they are currently facing in their containerization and digital transformation journey. Seeing the wide access and success of this concept, Ashnik has decided to conduct a post-event Clinic for all the future events and technical sessions.
Organizations across the globe are propelling towards dynamic and complex infrastructures. India is no exception. The ever-growing appetite for technological advancements requires robust tools that can run applications efficiently and are cost-effective at the same time. Docker is one such tool, meant to take you where you want to be in your containerization journey. Many of you might agree that containerization is not just an option anymore. It’s rather one of the dominant technologies your organization needs.
However, as someone wise once said, “with great power comes great responsibilities”, the need of the hour is to have that sense of ‘security’ in your quest to scale higher and do great things. Sysdig is your answer! Why? It makes your containers secure. It gives you not only a view of your Docker containers but also gives you a view INTO your Docker containers.
“No tools or technologies are inferior or superior. Every tool has its own capabilities. The only thing is we need to find the right fit for our solutions. And that’s where Ashnik plays an important role along with all the open source technology providers to figure out the right solution for your business. You know, it’s like a master chef. A chef prepares a dish and we pay a premium to consume it. Now the dish has the same ingredients which I might be knowing. But I can’t put it together in the right proportion just because I know the ingredients. Similarly, many organizations may have people or experts who know the technology. But, Ashnik’s job like a master chef is to know how to create the right technology solutions using open source”, concludes Sandeep Khuperkar, CTO and Director of Ashnik.
And that’s a wrap! We will be back with more technical events soon in India and Southeast Asia. Stay tuned!

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