Data Pipeline and Analytics
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| Sep 18, 2017

3 min read

From Siloed Data to Increased Organizational Productivity

This is a guest blog from Pentaho’s customer, Erin Latham. Erin is the CEO and Founder of Mo’mix Solutions and an OEM partner of Pentaho since 2009. Mo’mix Solutions provides Performance Center, a Cloud Based Performance, Budgeting, Operational Intelligence and Transparency Platform that leverages Pentaho Embedded Analytics.

How Mo’mix Solutions Embedded Analytics to Ease Reporting for Public Sector & Higher Education Organizations

It’s the age of big data, which means just about every business and private sector organization under the sun is stocking up on massive amounts of it. What’s worth noting, however, is that a shocking 88 percent of what’s being collected is never analyzed.
A major contributor to this trend is siloed data — where one department “owns” certain information and keeps it isolated from the rest of the organization. Like grain in a farm silo, this data is closed off from all outside elements. Data silos have both technical and cultural origins. On the technical side, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other legacy software applications store tons of business information, yet their designs make it challenging to use the data in any actionable way.


Data silos can impact an entire organization, but three areas in particular hurt the most.
Budget and Financial Planning: Budgetary data silos typically result from the limited amount of insights organizations gain from ERP application reports and traditional Excel spreadsheets. The finances of the past year tend to be presented as a simple summary of budgeted spending versus actual spending. When this is all departments see, they don’t truly understand how or why dollars are being spent, and they don’t know how to properly plan their budgets for the next year.
Information Technology: Data silos place an especially heavy burden on IT staffs. These are the people who end up being tasked with maintaining siloed systems, managing the growing infrastructure of data, and putting that data to use. IT departments are often understaffed and working on shoestring budgets as it is, so dealing with data that is siloed across the entire organization only stretches them thinner than they already are.
Human Resources: With a limited view into siloed data, HR can only realistically access and use a small portion of information about its organization’s workforce. This makes it particularly difficult to analyze employee engagement, prevent unexpected departures, and prepare succession plans. Each of those people’s succession plans will impact many aspects of an organization, from strategy alignment to payroll to benefit costs. Without access to the full picture of data, it becomes challenging for HR to plan accordingly.


Embedded analytics is a way to make use of your data for informed decisions in a cost-effective way to uncouple siloed legacy ERP or transactional applications. In its most basic definition: “Embedded analytics is the integration of data with predefined reporting outputs and capabilities within business process applications. It provides relevant information and analytical tools designed for the task at hand so users can work smarter and more efficiently in the applications they use every day.” While many transactional systems have reporting elements to them, many are predefined and not flexible when different departments are looking to make informed decisions.
Utilizing Pentaho Data Integration and Business Analytics, Mo’mix Solutions, an 8 year Pentaho OEM partner, embedded analytics to create an analytical cloud reporting solution that serves any ERP system. This has allowed Mo’mix’s clients in both public and private sectors to leverage existing transactional ERP systems with a reporting solution that is designed to allow them faster access to data in an easy to use and more affordable approach.
Mo’mix Performance Center offers clients higher visibility into data stored in any source such as ERP or Student Information Systems, resulting in the following returns:

  • Cost savings to public sector organizations
  • Better spending of tax dollars with comprehensive analytics
  • Ability top plan for better programs that can improve their citizens quality of life
  • Clients saved an average of 300 consulting hours per year that would otherwise be spent on closing books at year-end and preparing for outside audits

Erin Latham I Pentaho’s Customer

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