May the Open Source be with you

Written by Ravi Papnoi

| Jun 19, 2020

2 min read

May the (Open) Source be with you!

Open source technologies have seen their acceptability and adoption grow in the recent years quite steadily, but these technologies are bringing even greater value-addition and flexibility to several enterprises in these challenging times. The emphasis on delivering a solution with minimum possible investments and as much flexibility as possible, has grown significantly in these times, and hence we are seeing the rise in adoption of enterprise open source. And this popularity is owed in no small measure to the innovation that these technologies bring to the table for organisations to cash on.
It’s not uncommon to observe that many innovations in the recent times have been launched using open source first, making the larger tech companies more open to open source (no pun intended!). They are driving their initiatives through tech investments or designing their own solutions made available to the larger public by making them in open source.
As a company, we have been in the open source space for over 10 years, and have seen how they replaced or augmented the deeply-entrenched proprietary technologies significantly. More so, in the new-age industries like Fintech. When fighting for customers in a market long dominated by well-established names, the tech companies have benefited majorly through the use of open source technologies to reduce the go-to-market time and get similar or more benefits with significantly less overheads.
With the growing consumption of information and media on the internet, or during a sudden spurt in demand in times like Covid-19, enterprises need to be able to add or reduce their services depending on the demand without suffering any changes in delivery. And, what better than open source for that! It has been a known solution that offers the best-in-class capabilities in these areas, thanks to its flexible and easy-to-adopt quality.
Well, we see the same story playing out in other industries too. New age companies trying to capture markets and customers have been helped a great deal by adopting and utilizing the open source technologies – by leveraging the efforts of the large communities driving these technologies. Several such success stories have prompted the well-established and longstanding companies to take note and undertake new developments using open source technologies. We can observe the same trends across Media, Telecom, BFSI, and many more industries. The use cases have been as simple as bringing uniformity across the web layer by having a single multi-use technology, to playing important roles in new-age initiatives like Microservices by creating a Service Mesh to deploying these Microservices on Containers.
We all may have read of examples of many companies and countries that improved their competitiveness and efficiency by adopting open source strategies. The creation of skills through all levels is of fundamental importance to both companies and countries.
Open source technologies solve or bring a simple, compliant solution to complex problems in today’s IT landscape, irrespective of the platform; On-prem, Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud. And these are the reasons why today we see enterprises having no reservations about adopting open source technologies even for modern, complex mission critical applications.
In the time of such crisis, we as humankind may have got some valuable lessons, and we will hopefully adapt to change in a good way. Just like that, enterprises are evolving everyday too with open source playing a big part there. It will become an even more integral part of the Enterprise Architecture in the coming times due to our challenging, and constantly changing business scenarios. After all, the power of Open Source is the power of the people. So more power to all of us.

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