We’re pleased to announce that we’ve opened the doors for registrations for 2019’s MongoDB World event. This means you can get early bird pricing for tickets to the event that is the center of gravity for the MongoDB universe. Once you are registered you’ll be set to spend June 17th to June 19th in New York City surrounded by the MongoDB community.
The three days of activities include many, many breakout sessions, a keynote from MongoDB CTO Eliot Horowitz on the future of the MongoDB technology, the finale of the first MongoDB World Hackathon with a $10,000 top prize, the inaugural MongoDB Builder’s Fest day and all the access to MongoDB experts and conference networking you could want.
You’ll find all the details on the MongoDB World site including a link through to the MongoDB World registration page where you can purchase your pass to the MongoDB event of the year.
If you are interested in the hackathon, head to the MongoDB World Hackathon page where you’ll find the details and then head over to the Hackathon page on Devpost to sign up.
Over the coming weeks and months heading into June, we’ll have lots more information, speaker previews, interviews, what’s happening with the Hackathon, and all the other MongoDB World news for 2019.