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Written by Ashnik Team

| Apr 11, 2016

4 min read

Thumb rules for a Fitness Resolution

When I say resolution, by no means I refer it to those new year fitness resolutions which you are done within a week’s time. You certainly don’t have to wait for the first day of a new year to have your fitness schedule in place, to only check those pounds every other day for a few days. Fitness to me is a 360-degree approach to be taken to reach a level of mental as well as physical fitness. While my last blog talked more about adding mindfulness to your day with some mental fitness, here I would like to talk more about the rules that help you set the entire resolution which will let you see your goals more clearly and passionately. Only then you will be able to grow through the process and not just go through it.

Totally acknowledge and accept who you are currently

Acknowledging and accepting yourself is important today, because after some months, you may want to vividly try remembering yourself, just in case. So, do it. How ever you may feel, what you are today doesn’t at all determine what you can become. You are about to challenge your body and mind to achieve things that you always had put on the back-burner. Believe me, it’s the greatest foundation you can lay, just don’t obsess over it. You will do great with small things at a time.

Come out of your comfort zone, get active

First things first, come out of the comforts of lazy and everyday routine. Commit to get active with each day. But being active I don’t mean get in those running shoes and start those yoga sessions from today. Start moving more, slowly motivate yourself to push your boundaries. Sign up for your favourite dance class you always only wished you went to. Days when you don’t have a class, go for a walk/run in the park. Simply take just 1 hour from the 24 hours we all have in a day. Your future lifestyle will thank you for that 1 hour everyday.

Set your Fitness Goals

It always a good thing to know what you want out of a certain fitness activity. It could be mental calmness, concentration, lose some pounds, challenge yourself to run a marathon, etc. I suggest, sit with a pen and paper and list down the activities that would possibly interest and motivate you. For example, walk/jog/run, strength training, yoga, Dancing, Swimming, Boxing, Cycling, Pilates, Zumba, or Badminton. Pick up something that interests you and get going. It’s always a good idea to mix a few activities to keep up with the monotony that may set in. Start enjoying whatever you do. This will help you to stay on track.

Give your body the fuel it needs

Just how meditation brings you that fuel for mindfulness, healthy food serves the to get a fitter you. Don’t starve, don’t cut on your food, don’t go on with those fad diets. Make a habit of eating well and most importantly, at the right time. Inculcating good food as a part of your daily diet is just like it. It can take up to 3-4 weeks to make you get into the new healthy sustainable routine but once healthy food habits become second nature to you, you will happily want to give that junk food a miss. Bravo!

 Good night’s sleep

How we all so easily become happy or lightened up the moment we have to talk about the sleep and its comfort. It’s a privilege we flaunt all the time. But in this age of busier and stressful lifestyles, are we even enjoying our privilege? It is one of the most underrated privileges for a great health. Make a habit of keeping a time to snooze off. Follow that time for a few weeks before it can become a habit. It is the best time your body rebuilds all of those muscles and wear outs occurred during the day and pumps you up for the next day. Haven’t you noticed you perform better on the day you slept well? Then why not do it everyday?

Be Patient

As the infamous saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, same is true for our fitness resolution. Only upside is, it won’t take as long a time Rome took to be built! Patience is a virtue which is more like a gift to yourself. Just like a good investment, it takes time and efforts to get to the ROI. Long term investments, go a long way! I promise you will have good and not so good days when you don’t see a lot of difference in your goals, but I also guarantee that suddenly one day you will see the start to all that you wanted.
Keep doing, get going, your practice and handwork will get you into the best mental and physical shape without much compromises on your lifestyle, because you will reach a level where you will love your lifestyle and you would not want to trade it for anything.
Enjoy you path to a great life!
– Riddhi Shah I Digital Marketing Manager, Ashnik

Passionate about Content Marketing, Riddhi looks after innovative content marketing strategies through the digital platforms at Ashnik for SEA and India. She aims at continuously working towards taking Ashnik to the next level by increasing it’s brand awareness with a focal goal of generating interests around open source technologies. 

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