About the Survey
The Open Source Survey 2023-24 by Ashnik, with about 150 participating enterprises from Southeast Asia and India, explores the latest insights and trends for open source software and its adoption in delivering future-ready solutions.
The survey report highlights a comprehensive overview of the transformative objectives that organisations are aiming to achieve in this year and beyond, and the overall role of open source in powering digital initiatives for amplified customer experience and business growth.
96% participants state the usage of open source software will increase in their organisations in 2023-24

Usage of Open Source
software will increase
Usage of Open Source
software will not increase
Open Source is being adopted by Organisations for the following key reasons in 2023-24
44% of participants choose Open Source technologies to enable Faster Innovation and Higher Security
43% chose Open Source to achieve higher Cost Efficiency in alignment to keeping IT budgets optimal
13% for improved Community Involvement and Collaboration

Top Digital Transformation (DX) Initiatives where
Open Source will play an important role in 2023-24
31% respondents cite Open Source will be their preferred choice for Database Technologies
23% who will use it for Emerging Technologies (AI and ML)
22% for Observability Platforms
19% for Data Pipeline & Analytics

Key stakeholders of Open Source Ecosystems in organizations
The common challenges faced while accelerating the usage of
Open Source in Organizations
30% participants highlight Security Concerns as the top challenges organizations face
25% state Lack of Internal Skillsets
24% state that Lack of Product Vendor Support is also a commonly experienced challenge
21% state the challenge of Compliance Requirement from Regulating Bodies

The key reasons why Organisations are gearing to work with Open Source Service Providers in 2023-24
Respondents picked the below reasons (in the order of importance) for working with Open Source Service Providers:
52% state Familiarity with Open Source and Guidance on the Right-Fit Tools and Technologies
25% state Better 24*7 Support
23% state Lack of Skills Internally

The Impact of Open Source Databases in 2023 and Beyond
Top Open Source Database categories that will see an increased usage in enterprises in 2023-24
31% voted Cloud-Based Database will see an increased usage
24% voted for Relational Database
23% picked Distributed SQL
22% picked NoSQL Database

Key Organisational goals in migrating to Open Source Database from legacy ones
Participants picked goals in order of preference:
53% choose Open Source Database for Cost-Efficiency
30% choose it for implementing a New-Age Technology
9% choose it for a Quicker Adoption and Scalability
5% pick it for being Developer Friendly
4% choose it for Attracting New Talents

Organisations would like to address these key factors to better leverage their PostgreSQL Database
26% choose Automation for Deployment, Management, and Monitoring Postgres
24% choose Cost of Commercial Postgres software
20% cite Lack of In-House Postgres Skills
17% choose Lack of Support from Third Party Vendors
13% state they Do Not Use Postgres

Top challenges organizations will face in building a
Data Pipeline and deriving Real-time Insights
34% cite the key challenge is Increased Complexity due to a diverse range of technologies used
29% cite Lack of Internal Skillsets
26% state Uncertain ROI in the Beginning
12% state setting-up data pipeline may require
Relatively Higher Budgets

Increased Complexity Because of Many Technologies
Uncertain ROI in the Beginning
Lack of Internal Skillsets
Relatively Higher Budgets
Achieving Unified Observability was unanimously voted as an important initiative by Organisations in 2023-24
Additionally, participants stated the most commonly observed challenges:
28% cite that both Complexities Owing to Infrastructure Sprawl and Microservices and The Lack of a Unified Tool were the top concerns
23% choose Lack of Clarity on Observability Goals
20% choose Unavailability of the right Skillsets and Resources

Complexities Owing to Infrastructure
sprawl and Microservices
Lack of Clarity on
Observability Goals
Lack of a Unified Tool
Unavailability of the right Skillsets and Resources
Top Observability Tools for Monitoring in 2023-24
40% voted ELK as the preferred 'Observability tool for Monitoring' in their organizations
36% chose Prometheus Loki
25% voted for technologies like Grafana, DataDog, Splunk, New Relic etc.

API Gateway Technologies - Now and Tomorrow
API Gateway Technologies currently being
used in Organizations
33% of the participants choose Google Apigee as the top API Gateway platform being currently used in their organisations
17% choose Axway
16% choose Mulesoft
8% choose Kong
25% choose Others that comprise of AWS API Gateway, NGINX Plus, Spring Cloud

The NEW API Gateway Technologies that will be
adopted in 2023-24
47% participants cite that Google Apigee will be their top choice of API Gateway
16% cite Mulesoft
12% choose Kong
7% choose Axway
18% are Others that comprise of AWS API Gateway, NGINX Plus, Gravitee

Key insights for Open Source Technology adoption
For insights on Open Source technology adoption, participants pick their top go-to choices
31% of organisations prefer to work with Open Source Service Providers for insights on technology adoption
24% choose Global System Integrators
23% choose Internal Teams
22% choose Product Vendors or OEMs

To acquire insights on Open Source ecosystems, participants pick their top go-to choices for 2023-24
44% of respondents choose to have access to both In-House Teams and Third-Party Vendors to bring insights and handle Open Source support and maintenance
28% prefer only In-House Teams
20% for Third-Party Vendors
8% Do Not Use Open Source

The type of Open Source implementation that is most likely to increase in 2023-24
76% said their preferred form of open
source implementation is 'Self-managed
on any Platform'
24% choose 'Vendor-managed Cloud Platform'

Self - Managed on any Platform
Vendor - Managed Cloud Platform
49% of organisations state that an OSPO
implemented to encourage a structured adoption
of Open Source in 2023-24
31% state their organisation may not implement OSPO
20% of the organisations have already implemented OSPO

Planning to Implement in 2023
No Plans to Implement IT yet
Open Source Program office is already Implemented
86% participants said their organisation's budget for open
source technologies will increase in 2023-24
Out of which, 56% said it is set to increase by over 50% of the current budget
30% say their budget is set to increase by upto 25%
14% say their open source budget is set to decrease

56% say budget to increase by over 50%
30% say budget to increase by upto 25%
Budget Will Increase
Budget Will Decrease
The open source survey was undertaken by:
Around 150 unique Organisations across
Southeast Asia and India

Software and Technology
Industrial, Telecom and Others
Healthcare, Retail and E-Commerce
Others include Automobile,
Hospitality, Transportation & Logistics,
Energy, Travel, Housing and Finance,
Research, Real Estate, Consultancy
Geographies of survey participants

APAC includes Vietnam, Australia,
Azerbaijan and Hong Kong
Job positions of survey participants
70% were Mid to Senior Level positions - Project Managers, IT Infrastructure Heads, Senior VPs-IT, DX Head etc
26% were Technology Experts including Software Engineers, Programmers, DBAs etc
4% were C-Level executives

Mid to Senior