welcome creativityDBlog

3 min read

Technology not enough. Welcome, creativity!

Technology is great. But what we do with it is the greater thing. When we witness a unique, out of the box interaction with a brand, it stays well-lodged in our minds. That memorable experience becomes the brand recall tool. Thus, any company that integrates tech with creativity to align with its customers’ consumption patterns, sees better sales and better bonds.
Reason why, we are noticing two variables of transformation around us – companies doing new things to create newer values or doing the same things but more efficiently. Either of them work, and will get classified as an upgrade as long as it’s done right. With an influx of the new-age problems and addressable solutions alike, sometimes it is tricky for organisations to decide which transformations will give them effective results right away.
The industry is hugely shifting their research and target markets to better serve today’s millennials and Gen Zs, primarily because they are the immediate future consumers. Since their digital interactions surpass their real ones – on fleek technology interfaces are lapped up happily. And on the parallel track, to attract and retain younger talents, organisations are reforming workplace cultures to accommodate the progressive, tech-driven approach the millennials have, as well as for the trailing generations.
The brands targeting these generations are rolling out catchy services inclusive of Augmented Reality, AI or Robotics. And they stick. Like recently, I was at a bar that had robots making my drink instead of our old-fashioned, never accessible bartenders. And it was such a delight to just watch the moves and precision. More importantly, the drink reached me on time ;)
But even serious businesses are incessantly evolving by conducting studies based on millennial mind sets. Much recently, DBS Bank announced enhancing its digital insurance platform to deliver simpler, faster online insurance options catering to the needs of the younger audience. DBS said that its PayLah! E-wallet introduced in August last year, was its ‘fastest growing channel’. About 12% of its travel insurance sales came from the digital segment via PayLah!
Technology also sees some interesting facets like the one at an Amazon event, where actor Robert Downey Jr. announced plans to launch a foundation Footprint Coalition that would use robots and nanotechnology to clean up the environment. The foundation is a work in progress, and will officially launch in April 2020. Similarly, technology is being creatively applied to accomplish significant world solutions. And talking about making an eco-friendly shift, many brands are focusing on consumer sensitivities – all thanks to the apropos application of technology.
A product of UK, Pavegen Systems utilises a proprietary smart-flooring solution. Every time someone steps on these tiles, the kinetic energy harnessed from it will be then used to power other things, such as lighting or applications. This has already been installed in various locations across South Africa, including shopping malls. The energy collected from just 68 tiles in one shopping mall was then used to power a technology room in a rural South African secondary school. Now, how cool is that.
Meanwhile in China, an agricultural insurance company, ZhongAn is focused on improving livestock quality using blockchain. Since the term ‘free-range’ when describing chicken, has no real way to prove that the chicken you’re consuming lived a free and healthy life. Through little devices on the chicken, customers can monitor everything from the amount of steps the chicken takes, to the diet it consumes, and even the environment it’s in, through a smartphone application. This initiative is expected to be implemented in over 2,500 Chinese farms by 2020, making us all agree that blockchain is an integral part of ensuring the sustainability of livestock and agriculture.
In other words, digitalisation is far beyond the adoption of technology. It requires businesses to transform how they view themselves, their role and contribution to the wider ecosystem of growth and betterment. Organisations and individuals are creatively using technology to transcend from being just a solution for current problems to becoming a tool of the future.

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