Container Platform and Security

Time to choose Software Load Balancer ?

Written by Sandeep Khuperkar

| Aug 14, 2015


Load balancing in most organizations was always used be dependent on hardware. But today organizations have been evaluating and wherever possible are moving to Software load balancing.
Apart from the reasons of being less expensive, more scalable and easier to maintain the key reason most of the organizations are moving towards software load balancer as it provides more flexible development environment. This helps organizations to adopt more agile development process.
In the typical setup in most organizations web server and ADC ( often hardware component ) are separate components. But when it comes to web application delivery NGINX is changing that approach. NGINX has combined these two elements which provides performance and scalability at both ADC and web layers for web application delivery.
NGINX has created a new mechanism for web application delivery which makes it platform of choice for web application delivery. Nginx as a software load balancer helps to leverage the benefits provided by cloud platform for application development and delivery. As a software based ADC it provides much flexibility on sizing and scaling for each application as per its need. NGINX can be deployed on your hardware of choice , sized, tuned for your specific workload.
Today with more apps that move to the cloud its important to keep with the pace. With the growth in business and increase in traffic load more optimization is needed to keep up with performance expectations. Without better control, its challenging to ramp up performance. NGINX as a software ADC meet these demands. NGINX provides flexibility of optimization as per workload requirement and in any physical, virtual or cloud environment. This gives freedom from hardware ADC configuration, licensing and enables you to scale infrastructure vertically or horizontally on demand with every ADC right-sized for the application it servers. This gives power to developers to manage applications delivery more effectively.
Developers to ensure peak performance for every app needs freedom to make specific configurations on the load balancer without depending on infrastructure team to approve and make changes. NGINX as a software load balancer provides capability to developer to designate a single load balancer when ever needed per app.
To achieve peak performance for every app, developers need the freedom to make specific configurations on the load balancer without relying on the infrastructure team to make the changes. NGINX provides that freedom. Because it is software and can be rapidly configured by the application team, NGINX allows developers to designate a single load balancer per app, whenever needed, over and over again. As a result, application teams can focus on delivering optimal performance without distractions.
With a software load balancer approach the control comes back to developers to effectively deliver the applications. Application teams can use NGINX early in the development process to simulate production environments and test performance against specific traffic loads. App architects can better understand potential challenges and design more refined deployment policies that speak to specific application requirements, and as such, application delivery can be tackled as part of the development cycle—and not an afterthought. Over the long run, this saves tremendous time, money, and effort—while resulting in the development of applications designed for optimal performance. The business as a whole benefits from this approach. The better applications perform, the more successful they become.

– Sandeep Khuperkar I CTO and Director, Ashnik

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