Crystal gazing is very popular in the IT industry and people pay thousands of dollars to get glimpses of it. But for us, where we have to walk the talk and invest in developing skills ahead of time, we have to make reasonably right choices else we are in the danger of going out of business. In such a difficult situation how do we go about picking our bets and offering value to customers? Our approach is to put together customer insights and industry innovation and then work on the best technologies that, we think, are going to make significant differences to a customer’s business.
It is far easier said than done. However, we have been doing that for 4 years; and we still exist and continue to grow rapidly.
So what have we learnt and what are we bringing this year.
On one hand, we continue to see CIOs are under great pressure to replace high cost, proprietary components in their stack which have been commoditized by open source solution backed by commercial vendors. RDBMS such as Oracle has been one such target area for most CIOs, as cost of RDBMS when bought from vendors like Oracle, is, at times, 35% of overall software costs in IT budget. One the other hand, the size of data is growing very fast. For the business critical applications that are handling increasingly larger data, faster, bigger and more number of servers are needed to provide satisfactory response time to the customer demands. Which in turn mean higher licensing costs of RDBMS. Thus the need for viable alternatives to high cost database systems such as Oracle database continues to be a key requirement of the CIOs.
Related to data, there is a new challenge that CIOs are now facing. It is not only volume of data that is growing but velocity of change is also growing. And the type of data being generated is coming from a variety of sources. This is a totally new challenge and traditional RDBMS structures are not geared up to address the capturing, curating and processing of such humongous data.
Another important thing, applications are being accessed in many ways. Not just through desktops but also mobile phones, tablets, hand held devices that are connecting to applications from across the geographies. This puts a lot of pressure on the web server technologies to connect with the applications and provide faster response time. This requires news approach in web server solutions.
In the coming year, we would be addressing these challenges to build better skills sets to give our customers confidence to adopt open source solutions in these areas.
In this month’s newsletter you will get to know how our sales, pre-sales and solutions team engage with the customers. Key theme you would hear is about ‘customer insight’. We take pride in our approach of truly understanding customer needs, growth plans and providing a solution that is in the best interest of our customer.
Wishing you a very happy and successful new year.