API and Microservices
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| May 08, 2017

3 min read

Why is Healthcare data still difficult to measure?

Have you had to make an unfortunate visit to the ER and they were unable to locate your entire health history? Or has your doctor mistakenly prescribed you something that you are allergic to?
While healthcare organizations have access to more data, they are faced with a number of other challenges that make it difficult to provide consistent quality of care.   In addition to managing growing volumes of healthcare data, healthcare organizations need to handle a variety of data types ranging from traditional sources (such as transactional billing data and EMR/EHR system data) to unstructured data sources (such as sensor data, physician notes and patient website behavior). Managing this challenge is not only costly but requires specialized IT skill sets to process and make use of these growing data volumes and variety.
According to Grand View Research, “In the U.S., the healthcare expenditure is around 2.4 times higher than the global average and is anticipated to increase by 68.0% in the coming ten years.” In an effort to curtail rising costs, without sacrificing quality of healthcare, organizations are becoming more data-driven.
Successful healthcare organizations have learned to manage and blend all relevant data in order to improve patient healthcare, resource efficiency, and financial and regulatory reporting.
For example, healthcare organizations can analyze patient health history for more effective treatments and prescriptions. Other organizations have mined electronic health records and blended it with other sources of data to improve the quality of care. The challenges organizations face in executing initiatives such as these are siloed data, data stored in multiple systems that are difficult to integrate, or a lack of an analytics tool.
In direct response to customer demand, Pentaho introduced a new single view of the patient blueprint. Based on our customer 360-degree blueprint, healthcare organizations can create a complete view of each patient so that scientists, clinicians, and hospital staff can use data to improve patient care and enhance patient and physician satisfaction.
Here are three examples of healthcare customers finding success with Pentaho:
CipherHealth, a leader in providing healthcare communication and satisfaction improvement solutions, harnesses technology to improve patient outcomes and experiences. According to Zach Silverzweig, Co-Founder of CipherHealth, “Pentaho enables us to make healthcare easier and more approachable for hospitals, which ultimately improves the overall patient experience. The level of accuracy and insight we’re able to achieve now with our reporting process has given us a competitive advantage and the ability to spot trends in patient information and then take proactive action through preventative healthcare.”
Remedy Partners empowers patients, providers, and payers by providing actionable intelligence to healthcare facilities nationwide through its bundled payment solutions and services. According to Don Siddell, VP, Application Development & QA of Remedy Partners, “The healthcare landscape is on the cusp of a revolutionary change, with the need to balance patient care with rising costs driving providers to look at data in new ways. With Pentaho Business Analytics embedded into our Episode Connect solution, we’re able to provide hospitals with real-time data that’s improving patient outcomes while lowering overall costs for healthcare providers.”
Polaris Health Directions, a collaborative behavioral care technology company with more than 20 years of experience in behavioral health research, embedded Pentaho Business Analytics in order to create a seamless and intuitive way to share real-time information to medical providers so that they can then actively calibrate treatment interventions to improve outcomes. According to Mark Anthony, CEO of Polaris Health Directions, “The utilization of real-time analytics produces a positive impact that is immediately realized in our customer’s efficiencies. On the individual level, more patients are being correctly assessed than ever before; in turn this is leading to improved health outcomes. In conjunction, generating figures on the population health scale allows a refreshed approach to an antiquated industry. This platform allows for data derived business decisions in a manner never before seen.”
Read more about big data use cases for healthcare organizations and Single View of Patient.
Jonathan Shafer I Senior Product Customer Marketing Manager, Pentaho

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